Konbanwa~ :'D
már nem tudom, hogy, de megint feltévedtem Sakai blogjára... vagyis tévedtem volna, de nem jön be, mindig visszadob a psc főoldalára o__O; namindegy, legalább a keresgélés közben találtam még pár blogfordítást XD hát a könnyeimet törlgetem tőlük :'D
néhány gyöngyszem XD *fordítás from: http://duckytranslations.blogspot.com*
I was watching Aoi recording his guitar.
Aoi - "Hey--- Ryo!!"
Sakai - "I'm just watching you record. Am I intruding??"
Aoi - "If you keep watching me this much you might fall in love!!! (laughs)"
Sakai - "-gulp-"
Aoi started recording a difficult part then, and it was perfect!!!
Aoi - "There are no doubts!!! I'm absolutely awesome!!! (laughs)"
Sakai - "Wonderful---!!! You're so handsome!!!"
ezt meg itt találtam :'D
"A little Story:
It was the day, when I went shopping with Raita-kun.
Sakai "Let's use that escalator!!!"
Reita "Yeah"
So the two of us would get on the escalator with Reita standing in the middle of it.
Sakai "Raita-kun, please move over to the left side."
Reita "No, I won't!!"
Sakai "In Tokyo people have to stand on the left side, while in Osaka it is the other way round, with people standing on the right!!"
Reita "However, after all it's me, Reita!!!! I have to stand in the middle of the escalator and you can sure find that written in the escalator manual!!"
Sakai "Hu?!! What are you saying? What's that supposed to be? The escalator manual?"
Reita "Well, write about it in your blog and ask who of us is wrong in the case!!"
And in the end Reita stood in the middle of the escalator for the whole time.
Was I wrong in the end?"
*sírvaröhög* Reita hülye XD ♥
meg még egy Kaitól is :'D ♥
I was talking to Ruki and Reita in the break during recording yesterday:
Sakai - "Don't you want MAC's latest???"
Ruki and Reita - "Want it so much, isn't it---????"
Suddenly, Kai says:
Kai - "Eh??? Haven't you eaten it yet????"
Everybody - "Eh???"
Kai - "The New Teri Tama burger, right????"
Sakai - "No no, the PC!!!!"
Kai - "Ah!! That!!! What a big misunderstanding."
najó, asszem ennyi elég volt XD
mood: Ruki apu haja cép :3
2 megjegyzés:
ezek halálosak.de amúgy van ljn egy csaj aki állandóan fordítja Sakai blogját,ha kell megadom.mert elég jól csinálja.és jobban lejönnek a dolgok
a distorted_story, vagy a lazedfantasy? :'D mert én csak ezeket találtam, de egyiken sincs még májusi fordítás, Sakai mobile blogja meg nem jön be o__O;
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