2009. május 31., vasárnap

~ What Type of Seme/Uke Are You? ~

yeey for me :'D

Needy Dominant/Seme
Oooh... you're pretty insecure, and selfish, but you're a really nice person inside. Only if someone took away your insecurities. You'd be a proper dominatrix even the chance.
Perfect Match:
Manipulative Uke. He/she has stuff to give, you have stuff to mend. They pay you attention in exchange for you being occupied. What more could you want?
Crappest Match:
Completely Submissive Uke. It's like talking to a brick wall made out of pink. Don't go there.

sztem ha így folytatom bekattanok teljesen XD szal asszem ez legyen a végszó :'D

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